Friday, December 5, 2014

Terminator:Genisys Trailer Review.

I am a big fan of the Terminator franchise, and T2 is one of my favourite action movies. I hated the third and fourth movies, and never saw them as part of the series. Hearing about the development of this project was exciting. I liked the casting of Emilia Clarke (who's awesome on Game of Thrones) as Sarah Connor and fact that Arnold Shwarzenegger was going to be in this movie. I thought it would be cool if Arnold played the guy that they based the original Terminator on, and believed that this would be the most logical way to go about his noticeable increase in age. The guy would help the new cast to take down skynet, because only he has the genes that will disable all the terminators...or something. However, the creators decided to explain this by making the skin of the Terminator organic, which means that overtime it would age just like human skin...yeah. According to reports James Cameron, who is not involved with this project at all, advised the new creators to take the route of organic skin.  That was the first concern I had about the upcoming movie. This idea sounds really rash and weird. It doesn't make sense and doesn't fit in with the other Terminator movies. How come the T-800 could peal the skin off his arm without permanently damaging it in Judgment Day? Besides that I was still excited to see the movie. Then reports about the production of this film started coming out. Apparently, there were a lot of problems. Some pictures were released and those looked really terrible and carelessly slapped together. Seeing this, I still gave the movie the benefit of the doubt. "World War Z" had huge production problems, but it turned out to be pretty good right? And then I saw the trailer.
As of right now, Terminator: Genisys is not a movie that I am planning to see opening night in theatres. The trailer confirmed by biggest fear. The whole marketing campaign is based on nostalgia and familiarity of the first movies. That's why they brought Arnold back for this one in the first place. Seeing him and Sarah Conor deliver iconic lines from the first two movies took me out so much. They might as well just wink at the camera. The trailer also marks the return of the liquid metal transformer, the T-1000. This robot was incredible in Terminator 2:Judgment day. Not only did the practical and visual effects look cool, but he was one of the most menacing villains ever. I was so disappointed by what it looks like they did to him. The actor playing the new T-1000 looks similar to Robert Patrick. I'm not sure if that's just or coincidence, or maybe its supposed to be the same Terminator, just revived somehow. I'm not sure. He was wearing a police uniform as a disguise, just like the one in T2 did, so it underlines my speculation that it's supposed to be the same robot... or maybe not. What I know for sure, is that the effects of the T-1000 in 1991's Terminator look better than they do in this trailer. The liquid metal body looks pretty similar, but the bullet hits look way worse. Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that many bullet hits in the older movie were actually practical effects and not just CGI. Overall though, the T-1000 is a character that could benefit from a modern CGI makeover, so why he looks worse now than he did 23 years ago is a mystery to me. The story line seems pretty interesting, a bit like X-men: Days of Future Past, though with it's own flare. The one part of this trailer that I actually really liked was when Sarah Connor says that they dealt with the T-800 and old Arnold is shown confronting his young CGI version (which barely looks better that the one is Terminator: Salvation). I thought that idea was really cool, and actually kind of funny.

Overall, I did not like this trailer at all, since it just rehashed the first two movies, (even the pepsi vending machines) and barely had anything original in it. My interest in this project fell greatly, even though I really want to get excited for this. I truly hope that its just the trailer that is poorly made, and that I will gain my interest back with new trailers.

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